The Beauty and Efficiency of Periodized Training

Keep it simple and predictable

Derek Hutson
4 min readAug 31, 2022
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Periodized training refers to systematically and progressively increasing load over time. In this article we will use the context of running but periodized training can be applied to other disciplines like working and studying.

The reason why it is beautiful and efficient is because it allows you to marginally increase the amount of load you put onto your body and mind, while minimizing additional resistance. In our case we can think of load as consisting of 2 primary factors:

  1. Training time
  2. Training Intensity

If you train harder, for longer, you will inevitably improve at a skill or level of conditioning. However if you do too much too soon, or not enough, then you will stay where you are and not improve.

A program with periodized training generally involves the following concepts:

  • Baseline assessment
  • Base building
  • Technique work
  • Conditioning
  • Peaking
  • Resting

Lets take a look at what a simple program would look like for running that adheres to these concepts.

Assume we have a 16 week training program that is going to be divided into 4 stages, each consisting of 4 weeks.

We track training time (tt) and training intensity (ti) with hours and RPE, respectively. Hours is self explanatory, and RPE refers to Rating of Perceived Exertion on a scale of 1–10.

1 feels like I can do this all day, and I am not even working hard. I can breathe normally and carry on a conversation. 10 feels like I can only do this for a few seconds and I have no interest in trying to talk.

So as a simple example, running on a day with half an hour of tt and an average of 2–3 RPE would be much easier than a day with an hour of tt and a 6–7 RPE.

After doing a baseline assessment like the cooper test for the first workout, a typical week would look like this:

Day 1: Rest, light walking, yoga, cycling is fine

Day 2: Shorter duration, high effort intervals

Day 3: longer duration, easy effort jog

Day 4: Longer duration, moderate effort intervals

Day 5: Rest, Same protocol for rest days

Day 6: Longer duration, easy effort jog

Day 7: Longer duration, moderate effort run

After completing all 7 days, you start over with the same protocol. However the key is that over time you increase time and intensity in an attempt to peak by a certain day (race day for example) while avoiding injury and burn out.

Here is what the time and RPE should look like for that same training structure above:

Day 1: Rest, 0–1 RPE

Day 2: 1.25 hours, 7–10 RPE

Day 3: 1 hour, 2–3 effort

Day 4: 1.25 hours, 6–7 RPE

Day 5: Rest, 0–1 RPE

Day 6: 1 hour, 2–3 RPE

Day 7: 1.5 hours, 4–5 RPE

The fluctuation over the week with regards to your RPE changes over time because some days will feel harder than others due to your level of hydration, stress, fatigue, any muscle soreness, etc.

However for the time duration, in our 16 week period we gradually increase the time of Day 2, 4, and 7 every 4 weeks, for the first 12 weeks. This allows us to over time run further faster, since we are pushing harder for longer durations on interval days. Something else interesting that happens is that even though your easy effort days stay at an hour, with a higher level of conditioning you are able to run faster at that same level of exertion.

Finally, over the last 4 weeks you are going to begin your peaking and deloading cycle.

  • The first 2 weeks will be your peak duration and intensity, and at this point you will know at about what pace you will be running your race.
  • The last 2 weeks you are going to rapidly decrease your workload so that you can prevent injury while maintaining fitness. At this point the work has been done and you need to get to race day as healthy as you can. Your workload should be well below your week 1 load.

Hopefully this was helpful to you, but the same logic can also be applied to other practices. For example you could use this same concept to prepare for an exam you have coming up in a few months, or a job interview you have in a couple weeks.

Measure out your time and effort spent doing something and systematically increase them for a period of time. Then you can perform at your highest level when you most need it.



Derek Hutson
Derek Hutson

Written by Derek Hutson

Practicing Kaizen in all things. Being a dad is pretty neat too.

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